Top Development and Fundraising Executive Job Description
The following is a full job description for Top Development and Fundraising Executive. Here are the requirements and responsibilities for Top Development and Fundraising Executive along with statistics. If after reading this page you determine that Top Development and Fundraising Executive is not the position you are looking for, you may want to try one of these similar titles: Top Research & Development Executive, Top Product Development Executive, Top Organizational Development Executive, Top Learning (Knowledge) Executive, Chief Business Development Executive, Top Underwriting Executive, Top Training Executive, Top Division Sales Executive, Top Product Design Executive
Requirements and Responsibilities For Top Development and Fundraising Executive
Develops and directs an organization's fundraising strategies, campaigns, capital development initiatives, and operations to support the overall organizational development and revenue objectives. Leads donor stewardship and relations to identify, develop, retain, and nurture a portfolio of individual and institutional donors. Researches and identifies potential corporate or governmental partnerships and grant funding opportunities. Creates collaborative coordination between staff and internal stakeholders to plan events and communications to increase donor engagement. Uses technology to manage and monitor donor information and produce data-driven measurement and reporting of the progress of fundraising goals. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a departmental function within a broader corporate function. Develops major goals to support broad functional objectives. Approves policies developed within various sub-functions and departments. Typically requires 8+ years of managerial experience. Comprehensive knowledge of the overall departmental function.
Also referred to as: Top Development and Fundraising Executive, Chief Fundraising Officer, Head of Development and Fundraising, Top Fundraising and Capital Campaigns Executive
Similar Jobs:  Top Research & Development Executive, Top Product Development Executive, Top Organizational Development Executive, Top Learning (Knowledge) Executive, Chief Business Development Executive, Top Underwriting Executive, Top Training Executive, Top Division Sales Executive, Top Product Design Executive
Level of Education:  Top Development and Fundraising Executive Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Top Development and Fundraising Executive Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Top Development and Fundraising Executive Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Business Services, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Healthcare